Sunday, August 31, 2008


Ok i'm going to take Natasha's tag as a real tag. So i'm gonna post all the things i like about Malaysia.

1. My friends are here.
2. Our badminton players and squash player can say quite good lo.
3. Malaysia politics very ber-drama
4. We have mamak stalls. Hah! Beat that Europeans.
5. We got Ah Bengs and Ah Lians that numbers exceed you Singaporeans.
6. Again to Singapore.......We have REAL beaches.
7. We got all sorts of races. What to do? Malaysia ma!!!!
8. We have pirated dvds everywhere. See....we smarter ma

I think thats it LA. Not bad also MA. Malaysia CHUN also you know. I ending this post with typical Malaysian accent LA. HAIYO, then why you thinking i put all the capitals for? Ok LA. I got to got OLEDI. Bye bye my Malaysian friends. Happy Merdeka.

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