Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween

In the crypt dark nights, a howl of a wolf is heard. As the shining moon rises, so does the evil below the ground. A sound is heard. You start sweating. Whats going on?Indescribable forces come alive on Halloween night. So beware young witches and wizards. Warnings must be heeded. Shadows have a secret. Darkness can be cruel. Ghostly appearances are seen. Tapping noises are heard. Try to enjoy this festive day, but always beware of the dark. You'll never know whats lurking right behind you.This isn't abnormal. Its just HALLOWEEN!


I was bored. Oh and by the way. I plan to start writing like a short novel with chapters and stuff. And i will post them here. But currently i like the idea of writing a novel. But no idea for a novel. So please tell me what stories you guys are into or a story you guys would like to see be made.

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