Sunday, March 22, 2009

Hell of a day

Today was quite fun. The morning started with usual Sunday training. Except that today was fun relay. We did our usual weekend morning jog around the pool. But today was a little different. The mood was happier and there were more people than usual. We hadn't had a fun relay in awhile. I became a group leader for the 1st time. Guess i considered under the group of the older ones liow. I was in group 4. We came in 3rd overall. The games were weird. I'll try to get some pictures from others.

After the fun relay, we had the usual pot luck and thanks to all the parents for bringing such wonderful food. We stayed there for the prize giving. My group being 3rd got a bottle of shampoo,some junk food and some biscuits. After that, 21 of us went in separate cars to 1U. Had a lot of fun there. We watched dragonball evolution. I think me being someone who is totally clueless about dragonball can somehow enjoy the show. But for the die-hard dragonball fans i would recommend to stay away from this film. I heard from my dragonball craze friends that they didn't follow the actual story and that the cartoon was a 100 times better

Photos from Shan

Photos from me

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