Friday, November 14, 2008


Courage. What is courage. As i look around my room and wonder. Is it a the pure desire to do everything without fear of the odds. Or the power to stand up to one's utmost fears and disappointments. To accept defeat no matter the pain. To push on through good times and bad. To obtain inner strength and confidence. Courage isn't a feeling or an emotion. Courage is power, strength, and most of all to be fearless. To take risk when knowing the downfall. To strive for something thought to be impossible. To achieve excellence ahead of everyone else. To be self-motivated and independent. Courage can't be bought. Courage can't be won. Courage can only be found, by the strongest of hearts. But wait, does that mean we have to have courage to find it in the 1st place? Who knows. Maybe it is buried in all of us. Just waiting to be discovered.........

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